Morto Philip Seymour Hoffman: la reazione di Hollywood


Tutta Hollywood, così come la redazione di Cinefilos, sta reagendo con grande empatia e incredulità alla bruttissima notizia della morte di Philip Seymour Hoffman. Twitter sta raccogliendo le prime tristi e accorate reazioni.

Leggi anche: Addio a Philip Seymour Hoffman


Ecco di seguito alcune figure di spicco (Steve Martin, Kevin Smith, Jim Carrey, Tom Hiddleston) che commentano la tristissima notizia:

  • “My heart is broken” Megan Ellison
  • Literally devastated about Philip Seymour Hoffman. True genius RIP! Doug Ellin
  • Philip Seymour Hoffman. This is so unbearably sad. Tom Hiddleston
  • Shocked to hear of Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s death. If you missed him as Willy Loman, you missed a Willy Loman for all time. Steve Martin
  • Dear Philip, a beautiful beautiful soul. For the most sensitive among us the noise can be too much. Bless your heart. ;^{ Jim Carrey
  • This truly blows. PHILIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN has died: First noticed him in SCENT OF A WOMAN. Brilliant actor. So sad… Kevin Smith
  • R.I.P. Philip Seymour Hoffman. One of the greatest, kindest actors who ever lived. Rainn Wilson
  • What a tremendous & horrible loss 4 the acting community. Unspeakable sadness… RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman. Prayers 2 his friends & family. Angie Harmon
  • NOOO!!!! Philip Seymour Hoffman dead after apparent drug overdose: cops Casper VanDien
  • Rest in peace Philip Seymour Hoffman. You were one of the best. You’re gone way too soon. Joel McHale
  • R.I.P. Philip Seymour Hoffman. One of the greats of his generation. Albert Brooks
  • Such shocking & sad news. RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman. One of the greatest actors of a generation and a sweet, funny & humble man. Ricky Gervais
  • shocked and sad to wake up today to hear we lost the brilliant actor #PhilipSeymourHoffman..heartfelt condolences to his family & friends Grabiel Mann

Morto Philip Seymour Hoffman, il corpo senza vita dell’attore è stato trovato nel suo appartamento del Greenwich Village di New York al 35 di Bethune Street. Hoffman aveva già avuto in passato problemi di droga e lo scorso anno si era ricoverato in un centro di riabilitazione per abuso di eroina.

Fonte: Variety

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