Noah colonna sonora


Arriverà al cinema giovedì prossimo l’atteso kolossal biblico Noah diretto da Darren Aronofsky che vede protagonista Russell Crowe nei panni di Noè, costruttore dell’Arca e prescelto da Dio, e ancora una volta a comporre le musiche per il regista di Requiem for a Dream c’è il musicista, cantante e chitarrista Clint Mansell, leader della band britannica “Pop Will Eat Itself£ scioltasi nel 1996. Mansell per Aronofsky musica anche The Fountain – L’albero della vitaThe Wrestler e Il cigno nero.


Clint Mansell ha composto anche la colonna sonora di Moon di Duncan Jones.

1. In The Beginning,There Was Nothing

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2. The World Was Filled With Violence

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3. The End Of All Flesh Is Before Me

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4. Sweet Savour

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5. The Fallen Ones

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6. For Seasons, And For Days, And Years

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7. Make Thee An Ark

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8. Every Creeping Thing That Creeps

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9. I Will Destroy Them

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10. Flesh Of My Flesh

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11. The Wickedness Of Man

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12. In Sorrow Thou Shalt Bring Forth Children

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13. Your Eyes Shall Be Opened, And Ye Shall Be As Gods

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14. The Flood Waters Were Upon The World

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15. By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed

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16. The Judgement Of Man

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17. The Spirit Of The Creator Moved Upon The Face Of The Waters

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18. Forty Days And Nights

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19. What Is This That Thou Hast Done?

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20. The Fear And The Dread Of You

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21. And He Remembered Noah

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22. Day And Night Shall Not Cease

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23. Mercy Is – Patti Smith

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Noah di Darren Aronofsky arriverà in Italia il prossimo 10 aprile 2014. La storia riprende la storia Noè, il patriarca biblico, il più importante dopo Adamo e prima di Abramo. Secondo la narrazione biblica è il costruttore dell’Arca di Noè grazie a cui l’Umanità continuò la propria esistenza sulla Terra; sull’Arca furono ospitate 7 coppie degli animali puri ed una coppia di tutti gli altri animali (secondo Genesi 6,19; secondo Genesi 7,2).

Il cast di Noah include Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, Jennifer Connelly, Logan Lerman, Ray Winstone, Douglas Booth e Anthony Hopkins. La pellicola è prodotta da Disruption Entertainment, New Regency Pictures, Protozoa Pictures, mentre a distribuire il film ci penserà la Universal Pictures.

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